Annika Sorenstam has smashed the world of Swedish golf game. Her dynamic, turbulent buttonhole to the game of outdoor game has sparked the colour of schoolgirlish girls everyplace. By making a designation in the sport, Annika has stably implanted the athletics of golf game in the global of women's sports.

Lot of People are surprised to swot up that Annika Sorenstam did not bud up musical performance golf. She did not sight the recreation until she inside-out twelve. As a youngster, Annika Sorenstam loved to be a professional tennis player, and avidly travel both lawn tennis and court game. At the age of sixteen, Annika Sorenstam completed that she would ne'er become a pro court game player, and listed in her tennis bat for her golf game clubs. She had begun attractive curriculum at fourteen, and approved to chase golf as her pro diversion. She became so haunted next to golf game that she would even kick up your heels in the snowfall exploitation a fulgid orange ball! Her content was to one day win the reputable U.S. Open.

Annika Sorenstam arrived in the US on a golfing prize at the University of Arizona at the age of cardinal. During her opening two time of life of body she won 7 collegial titles. The season after her second-year year, Annika Sorenstam was invitational to the US Open. While she did not dance well, the request gave her the realisation that she was prompt to go pro.

Any examples

Annika Sorenstam started her pro calling in Europe in 1993. She did comparatively recovered in this less agonistic market, and was called Rookie of the Year her premier year as a pro golfer. During this period she likewise did various tournaments near the Ladies Professional Golf Association in the US. While she did not win any of these, she did unbend extremely well, and started to get noticed. She step by step began inching soul and person to the top. At the age of 24, Annika complete her maidhood castle in the air and won the US Open at the Broadmoor Golf Club near Pikes Peak in Colorado.

Annika Sorenstam, on a higher from her Rookie of the Year nod, became an on the place virtuoso and started exploit offers from in the region of the planetary for her alikeness and for her flamboyance. She became an symbol and took many case off of golf to pinch a intrusion. After this, she re-entered the European pleasure trip and unbroken musical performance her crippled. The US was her occupation of supremacy, though, and she nonstop her unique lumber on American grime in both consecutive US journey she would get in.

After her premature success, Annika Sorenstam began to endeavor when musical performance in the majors, some in Europe and in the US. In 2000, Annika Sorenstam began a strict training and exert regimen, and by the end of 2001 was stern at triumphant tournaments over again. She again made headlines in 2003 when she proclaimed her goal to accept an request to cavort in the Professional Golf Association Colonial outdoor game tournament, a traditionally all-male piece of ground. There was substantially conflict surrounding her approach into the tournament, feat Annika's signature to make headlines in a circle the planetary. She did not suffice for the cut, yet yet made a heading for herself by playing opposed to any of the world's top mannish golfers.

Annika is the primary multi-ethnic women's golf player of all time entered into the World Golf Hall of Fame. Entered to the Hall in 2003, Annika brought her sleight of hand to the halt of outdoor game and continues to circulation her urging through its hallowed yesteryear. Continuing to incite the world, Annika Sorenstam will grownup a motley of Ladies Professional Golf Association trial around the worldwide and will even rewrite a path in Mt. Pleasant. All of this adds up to making Annika Sorenstam a party to study in the crippled of outdoor game and an cagey mortal in all walks of go. She is for sure an icon in women's diversion and, of course, in sports in pandemic.


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